Ready for another jam packed full drive we left Bodega Bay around 11:30am for the 4.5 hour drive, we arrived about 6pm, to Garberville. When we planned our stops this seemed like a good distance to cover and give us plenty of time to sight see. Once again, we could’ve used another stop in the middle. We had to drive like a bat out of hell to get to our last stop before it closed at 5, I think google said we would arrive well after 5 but I was able to trim off some time and we arrived as the “gate keeper” was walking up to close the gate. We pulled up on her pretty quick and scared the 💩 out of her lol. After some back and forth, and the fact we gave her $20 when the cost of admission was $10, she let us in.
Shortly after we left Bodega Bay we stopped at a view point where this photo shoot was happening. It’s hard not to judge, but this was one of the strangest things we saw on our travels. He took such care in getting her posed just right and when they were done he carefully put her in the passenger seat and buckled her in…

The views never dissapoint.

A few minutes down the road…

Just over an hour later we came to The Sea Ranch Chapel, we’d seen this on a couple trip blogs and decided we’d take a look rather than drive by. We aren’t religious in any way but this was a pretty cool stop.

An hour and a half later we came to our first bit of fog, just beyond the fence is the Pacific. We could hear it but not see it.

Another hour later we arrived at Fort Bragg to visit Glass Beach, mostly because when we were in PEI my Sister was beach combing for sea glass, and also the pics looked pretty amazing online.

We left Fort Bragg about 4:15 and to get to the Chandelier Tree is a 1 hour 19 minute drive according to google along the single lane PCH that winds it’s way up and down the coast, literally ascending and descending the mountainous coastline. I don’t know how we made it but we did, thinking back it probably wasn’t worth driving like a maniac but nonetheless cool to see. We drove through the tree unscathed although we had to pull in the mirrors.

Cool, love the drive through tree!!
It was pretty neat!